Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Healey's Eyes

Healey's eyes!  The day that I took this pictures, her owner left the island and she was looking a bit sad.  So I decided to entertain her by playing with her and taking some pictures. This is one of them.
Photo taken with Nikon D60 DSLR Camera

Update:  Healey died September 2, 2018


  1. Nice picture, we are going to get us a dog in about 3 weeks.

  2. Cette photo est salissante par son cadrage inhabituel. Sans doute voulais-tu faire ressortir la vivacité de ce regard, qui en même temps, reste un peu mélancolique. Je sais, on ne devrait pas prêter de sentiments humains aux chiens, mais moi, je le fais.
    Très belle photo.



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